How Moisture Manager Benefits Your Lawn and Your Water Bill
Did you know that with one or two simple applications, you can reduce your lawn watering by 50%?
Is your irrigation schedule racking up your water bill without creating a green, luscious lawn like you envisioned? You are not alone in the uphill battle of managing the moisture levels of your lawn. The professionals at Weller Brothers in Sioux Falls, SD, and Rochester, MN have a simple solution — Moisture Manager.
Moisture Manager is a granular application that provides extensive health and aesthetic benefits to your lawn.
No matter the weather, the Weller Brothers Way is to adapt and continue providing our clients with innovative solutions for their lawn health goals. It is time to reclaim the added expense and stress of irrigation and consider Moisture Manager to reduce the need for watering by nearly 50%.

Benefits of Moisture Management
1. Control or Eliminate Dry Spots: Moisture Manager is a granular application that can be applied at the same time as a fertilizer and weed control application. The formula is evenly spread throughout the lawn and penetrates the soil near plant roots. The technology within the Moisture Manager ensures that water is evenly absorbed within your soil and held for times of drought.
2. Reduce Thatch Build-up: Thatch build-up occurs when lawns are watered too shallow or frequently causes the grassroots to not grow deeply enough within the soil. Moisture Manager promotes deep root growth and can lessen the amount of thatch build-up in your lawn. In addition to applying Moisture Manager during the growing season, aeration in the fall is beneficial to reduce soil compaction promoting growth the next season.
3. Enhance Nutrient Absorption: Well-hydrated lawns can evenly and more efficiently absorb natural nutrients as well as nutrients that are added through fertilizer. Applying fertilizer to your lawn can help it grow well and maintain the ideal look, however, if the soil presents too much or too little moisture, the fertilizer will not be as effective.
4. Protect Against Drought Stress and Disease: Long periods that include a lack of moisture can cause lawns to go into drought stress. This could include browning of the grass or going into a dormancy stage that does not generally take place until the weather begins to cool. Lawn rust is one of the most common forms of lawn disease that develops from a lack of moisture and will show orangish-brown spots that will get larger as the disease progresses.
5. Improve Flood Control: Moisture Manager is not only helpful in a time of drought but also in times of heavy rainfall. Moisture Manager will help your soil evenly retain water deeper within the soil allowing grass roots to grow deeper and stronger rather than shallow and weak creating a thatch layer. When moisture levels are high you may notice that your lawn creates pools of water that eventually evaporate and are not useable to your lawn.
When is the best time to apply Moisture Manager to my lawn?
As if Moisture Manager does not have enough benefits in itself, another benefit is that you cannot go wrong by applying it! Below are a few recommendations from the lawn care professionals:
- Springtime — this allows for the moisture manager to penetrate deeply into the soil as spring rain falls and prepare for an unpredictable summer season.
- Summer — as we reach the halfway mark of the Midwest lawn care season (July or August), the summer can be harsh on lawns as the rainfall can vary. Ensuring your lawn is being irrigated enough can become costly and ineffective. Moisture Manager in this season will ensure that your watering efforts are being maximized.

How to tell if it is time to apply or reapply Moisture Manager?
On average, Moisture Manager is effective for 90 days after application, meaning that two treatments a summer should be all you need. If the grass is starting to require more frequent irrigation to stay healthy, you will need to reapply.
Contact Us For Moisture Management in Sioux Falls and Rochester
The lawn care professionals at Weller Brothers in Sioux Falls, SD, and Rochester, MN, have the experience to identify if your lawn could benefit from Moisture Manager services.